I haven’t written much in quite some time. It’s not like I wasn’t producing anything, the crew here delivered over 60 podcasts last year so there was constantly something being produced on Critically Sane but at the same time, written content has become virtually non-existent. January 2022 was my last regular blog post on Musings of a Grouch and since then I’ve written exactly two reviews for this site.

I don’t set resolutions anymore but I do want to try to make this site more active via written word. As such, I’m transferring all my entertainment focused writing to Critically Sane and it will replace Musings of a Grouch as my personal blog. If Tony, Jeff, Earl, or any of the other contributors here want to post something, they of course will be free to do so (it’s their platform as well, I just maintain it).

So, somethings I want to try to do this year is write reviews of games I’ve finished, maybe write some movie reviews, and possibly write a bit about TV, music, and books, as well doing some rankings of stuff.

As some may know (if you follow me on my socials), I keep a running tab of games I finish and films I’ve watched for the year. When I talk about writing reviews for games I’ve finished, I’m not specifically thinking I’ll cover everything. For instance, I started off the new year by playing through Super Mario Bros. but at this point, I don’t think it needs me to write anything about it so, I included it on my running list and that’s the end of that. That said, other stuff might lend itself better to writing about it (both new and old).

I do want to put a stipulation on writing about a game though and that stipulation would be that I roll credits (if possible) and hit at least 50% completion on it. That could be 50% completion by achievements/trophies or 50% on an in game completion meter. Either way, I need to put in at least a middling effort before I write up something on it and then document what my metric I used was in the piece somewhere.

I also don’t want to write traditional reviews, I’ve done plenty of them over the 25 years I’ve been writing about games on the internet so, I may experiment with what I want to convey and how.

Additional to this, all the podcasts hosted here will continue as usual, with The Perfectly Sane Show sticking to generally a weekly release schedule, Recurring Nightmares as monthly, and VG Club as special releases throughout the year. One show that I started up last year, Chris’s Kart Corner will also return for a second season but I’m thinking it will be expanded to included not just kart racers but racing games in general. This will allow me to discuss games like Forza, Gran Turismo, Need For Speed, etc… I’m not dropping kart racing, that will remain the main focus but it will give me additional material to discuss and allow me to make the show either bi-weekly or monthly.

And maybe somewhere in there, I’ll stream a bit (more likely) and get some videos done for You Tube (less likely).

But enough of that for now, tomorrow I’ll start in on my 2023 recaps and lists. Hope to see you all over the course of the year.


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