OK, there’s been some stuff happening here in the United States over the last week and my attention was very, very much glued to that but I did pry my eyes away from map watching to watch the latest episode of The Mandalorian.

Chapter 10: The Passenger

*Again, another great opening shot with the speeder slowly coming into view.

*The desert ambush is fun, particularly when Din shoots the lone remaining thief into the air with his jet pack.

*I could have done without the sabacc game with Dr. Mandible in the cantina.

*The Child is hungry this episode, but damn is that kid is cute salivating at the Krayt Dragon meat.

*This episode seems like it is trying a bit too hard to be “funny”. The rocket pack was smile worthy. But then we get the flippant way Peli “vouches” for the frog lady, an episode long running “gag” of The Child snacking on the frog lady’s eggs, and the Razor’s Crest slapstickly falling through ice. Among other instances.

*At first when the New Republic patrol pulls up on the Razor’s Crest and Din says goodbye with “May the Force Be With You”, I thought it was a bit weird. Upon second viewing it made more sense as I thought about it. Din not knowing much, if anything about the Jedi makes sense. The Mandalorian takes place roughly five years after the events of Return of the Jedi, Placing it roughly 30 years after the Clone Wars and Order 66. When Order 66 was executed there were about 10,000 Jedi in the order. It makes sense that most people wouldn’t have ever seen one and think the order is just some diplomatic peacekeeping group, not one with magical force powers. However, to go back to the salutation he used, that does make sense. The Rebellion used it among themselves and after winning, they helped found the New Republic and it would stand to reason that Din had heard it in holonet updates of political speeches. He probably associates the saying with the New Republic and was using it to set the patrol at ease with him.

*The multiple call backs to the prison break episode was nice.

*Is this season going to be a monster of the week type thing? If so, they are setting the bar really high because first a Krayt dragon and now this giant spider and it’s creepy spawn.

*This episode is nearly all non-stop action. I’m not complaining but outside of a few moments, this doesn’t give much time to breathe.

*Overall, I liked the episode but it was very much a fun side story that moves the overall plot needle a tiny, tiny fraction.

That’s if for this week, what did you think of the latest episode of The Mandalorian?

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