There was a lot of talk about 2014 being a down year in gaming. While I’d agree that there wasn’t a particular standout game of the caliber matching some of the best of the last few years, there were a ton of really good games. Here are my ten favorites.

10. Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age was a late entry to my list and I debated with myself on if it belonged here or not because I only put 10 hours into what is by all accounts a 50+ hour experience. But when it came down to it, Dragon Age was the epic, big budget RPG I’ve been waiting for.


9. Monument Valley

There is no denying the puzzles in Monument Valley are rather simplistic. But even though they are rather easy, solving them always feels great. Couple that with its beautiful art style and Monument Valley was a game that stayed in my mind well after I was done the short campaign. It’s just a beautiful experience from top to bottom.

8. Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive is a game that celebrates the fact that it is a game and doesn’t attempt to be anything more than that. In a year when nearly everything is taking itself super seriously, Sunset overdrive just brings buckets of fun, oozing charm. It’s a grand return to form for Insomniac Games and a must play for Xbox One owners.

7. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Speaking of buckets of fun that ooze charm, no other game this year was more charming than Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. On the surface the game’s puzzles are super simplistic, but peel back the layers and the game is filled with challenges that will test your gaming skills to their fullest. I’d venture to guess that playing this game and not having a smile on your face while doing so is all but impossible.


6. Forza Horizon 2

Microsoft often takes a bigger is better approach to the game design of its franchises’ sequels. That approach is in full effect here in Forza Horizon 2. The scale is bigger, the visuals are better, and the online is nearly seamless. It is hands down the best racing experience to be had on the first year consoles.

5. South Park: The Stick of Truth

South Park: The Stick of Truth might be the best licensed game ever. This game is on the same level of offensively funny content as The South Park movie over a decade ago. And it plays great too.

4. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Just when everyone had written off Call of Duty, Advanced Warfare proved us all wrong. The Exo suit changed the game just enough that it all felt new and fresh. And the campaign was actually good for the first time in years. In short, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is pretty awesome.


3. Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 isn’t the best Mario Kart ever. It might not even be the second best Mario Kart. But what it is, is the best racing experience of the year. And it has death stares to spare.

2. Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Diablo III was already a good game. It’s expansion, Reaper of Souls, makes it a great one. Between the added act, new classes, and adventure mode, there is enough to keep players clicking away for hours upon hours. But really, it is the move to consoles (as part of the Ultimate Evil Edition) and its adaptation to controllers that makes Diablo III a winner. Being able to play on your TV while kicking back on your couch with a beer is nearly the best thing this year.


1. Titanfall 

Just when I was beginning to think that competitive first person shooters not named Halo had grown stale, Titanfall came along and showed me there was still room for change. That change wasn’t giant robots, although they were cool. No, it was accessibility, mobility, and verticality. Being able to jump in and contribute regardless of skill level was something that no other game has done before. And being able to utilize an entire map to create new ways to defeat your opponent, and do so with speed, was a game changer. The two together saw me sticking with the game longer, and by doing so, learning to play the game better. It’s a special game that I had tons of fun playing and because of that highly deserving of my top spot.

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