Gameplay recorded on Twitch from Xbox One, with review code from the publisher.

Hey ladies and gents, this is some gameplay captured from the Xbox One release of Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut. What started as me just talking about the game ended in a Q&A towards the end as the chat room filled up, and I ended up running over my usual 1 hour mark due to incoming questions.

Gameplay shown is of the Citadel, which is the main hub, and then traveling north in the Arizona map. Several battles happen, lots of looting, and just all around fun. Look for the full review soon.

About Author

By Don Parsons

got into podcasting in 2007, and transitioned into writing in late 2008. In late 2011, he went from blogging to writing for a small site called Don attended E3 for in 2012. Now, Don is one-fourth of the foundation of Critically Sane.