The time has come- Witcher 3 has launched. A quick backdrop to this short article first. I did not play the original Witcher, nor did I play Witcher 2. Why not? Well, I was a weird adult, whom only had a PS3, not an Xbox 360. Due to praise from many, but mostly our own Tony, I really wanted to play the game but did not. So I’m making up for that now with the third installment. And without further ado, some brief thoughts from the first few hours of my play-through for review… bullet-point style.


  • Combat is fluid, and while a little hard to get the hang of, makes taking down bosses all the more satisfying.
  • The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. I love galloping down a trail and just taking in the country side.
  • The first boss made me want to throw my controller because I was not accustomed to combat at that point in time, which resulted in me trying to kill the griffin over a dozen times. On normal. 😐
  • I am in loot heaven right now, because even flowers can be looted to make much-needed potions and oils.
  • Armor and weapons change on your character when equipped. That made me so happy.
  • In my four hours with the game, I have not had sex yet. I thought it was going to happen twice, and was disappointed both times that it did not. Grow up, Don, I know.
  • The Beastiary is awesome. Every time I encounter a new creature, I stop and read about it. Partially because there are weaknesses to said-creature, but mostly because I am interested in the lore.
  • I have re-mastered the art of “save often”. You really never know when you’re going to die. Which is exhilarating.
  • I have had a hard time stopping after both sessions. Once was to take my Xbox One back home after using someone else’s bandwidth to download the massive 30GB game, and the second was because for some reason WWE scheduled a PPV that night. I was also conflicted, and wanted to call in to work so I could stay home and play it more. For reference, I do not call in sick, even when I’m sick.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to adventuring. Keep checking back for our final review. As this goes live on launch day, if you picked it up, let us know your initial impressions in the comments below. Happy hunting!

About Author

By Don Parsons

got into podcasting in 2007, and transitioned into writing in late 2008. In late 2011, he went from blogging to writing for a small site called Don attended E3 for in 2012. Now, Don is one-fourth of the foundation of Critically Sane.